Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Fact: A common subject here in my university weighs 3 units.
1. COMA 101: Language in Communication
What? Since we are a theoretical class, we study the different kinds of communication theories conceived throughout the years, how they were made, and how they could be applied in contemporary times.
When? 7 to 8.30 am, Wednesdays and Fridays
I love how the teacher teaches this class, but he has this bad habit of branching off from his main dialogue (which sometimes takes 20 minutes or more, depending on how much fervor he puts in it). I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that we could have covered much more readings if we increase our pace a bit.
The readings are quite numerous, but unlike ENG 4's set of essays and poems, they are not that difficult to understand. This would have been a great subject if not for it's 7 am setting, and God knows how much I hate waking up at 5.30 just to get ready for class.
Expected Grade is 1.75
2. HUM 2: Art in Society*
What? The main objective of this subject is for us to learn more about art, its elements, medium and the like. This is somewhat of a practical class, since it allows us first-hand how to create our own artworks.
When? 8.30 to 10 am, Wednesday and Fridays
My class professor knows the trade firsthand, so needless to say, she's good. Her style of teaching is also as good as her works, since I was able to comprehend what the hell is going on without even laying a finger on my readings. Yes, she's definitely a time saver.
Anyway, the subject itself is just as good, and I was awed that there were other great artists besides Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, the Egyptians, and the like. This is one of the subjects where I could sit back, worry about nothing, and just enjoy the show. The only problem I have is that this subject is a financial vampire. The payment for the field trips I could have spend in blogging, or much better yet, Coke Float.
Expected Grade is 1.50
3. SPAN I: Spanish Elective
What? This class reminds us that there are other Spanish words besides 'Si', 'mesa', and the famous 'adobong pansit sa binagoong'. The class tries to teach the students how to read and speak basic Spanish phrases and words.
When? 10 to 11.30 am, Wednesdays and Fridays
I suck at Spanish. The teacher is good, but I just don't have the mouth to perfectly say, 'Como esta?', 'Yo soy Kenneth, un estudyante gwapo' or even 'Dos mil otso'. In fact, I believe the only phrases I could utter correctly are the derelict 'Si', 'No', 'Que mal!', 'Hola!' and 'Mi gwapo, tu feo'. I couldn't really blame the professor- she manages the class well, and on top of that, she knows her Spanish as I know my cookies.
I'm trying my best, though. The bad thing is that the reading materials are also in Spanish, so I can't study them ahead of time. Hell, I can't even study them even after the discussion is over. I hate taking notes, I prefer to listen and understand, but for this subject- I have my paper and pen ready for the occasional scribble and doodles.
Expected Grade is 1.75
4. ENG 4: Masterpieces of World Literature
What? A reading class that deals primarily with the literature of first-world countries, ENG 4 tries to tackle how the best books in the Republic of Letters revolves around the three main concepts: love, war and conquest, as well as colonization.
When? 2.30 to 4 pm, Wednesdays and Fridays
This, probably, is the first ever subject that challenges to prove myself as a dedicated bookworm.
Although I like reading, this class is so damn difficult. I could read the essays and poems in two days, sure, but understanding them? I have no freaking idea. Add in the vast multitude of readings, 250 pages alone for the concept of love, and you get a subject that forces you to chip in at least an hour or two every night so you could [have a chance to] understand the discussions.
The teacher is cool, he even won a Palanca Award, but his voice could be compared to Jigglypuff. Not that I need his voice for a round-trip flight to Dreamland, since sleep forces are everywhere- I'm exhausted (mostly due to the consecutive classes I have in the morning), the room is humid, the discussion is boring, and the readings provide a nice pillow for my head. My eyes may be open, but my brain is already fluttering with the birds on the sky.
I know. I'm doomed.
Expected Grade is 2.25
Note: I decided to cut this post into halves, one for my Wednesday-Friday classes, and another one for the Tuesday-Thursday. I might post the other half later on, so please bear with me. Thankee.
*I forgot if it's Art in Society, or just Art. I'll check it out later on.
Just as I made an assessment of my subjects back in April this year, I decided to make another one today. Whereas the previous one was a comparison of my expected grades and true grades for each subject, this post will only focus on the former since, duh, the true grades aren't released until October of this year. And as if it is not meaty enough, I decided not only to give short snippets of my [first] impressions for each subject, but a detailed, blow-by-blow review. And yes, this is quite a long post.
Anyway, enough with the lovely chitchat, here's my second Expectation List of Happy Grades and First Impressions, served with fries, double cheeseburger and Coke Float. Serves three. Enjoy!
First Semester, SY 2008-2009: Kenneth is now a Sophomore, still struggling to write a good book, and is in search for another true love. Believes that truth is relativistic, and is trying his best to cope up with the readings.
Anyway, enough with the lovely chitchat, here's my second Expectation List of Happy Grades and First Impressions, served with fries, double cheeseburger and Coke Float. Serves three. Enjoy!
First Semester, SY 2008-2009: Kenneth is now a Sophomore, still struggling to write a good book, and is in search for another true love. Believes that truth is relativistic, and is trying his best to cope up with the readings.
1. COMA 101: Language in Communication
What? Since we are a theoretical class, we study the different kinds of communication theories conceived throughout the years, how they were made, and how they could be applied in contemporary times.
When? 7 to 8.30 am, Wednesdays and Fridays
I love how the teacher teaches this class, but he has this bad habit of branching off from his main dialogue (which sometimes takes 20 minutes or more, depending on how much fervor he puts in it). I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that we could have covered much more readings if we increase our pace a bit.
The readings are quite numerous, but unlike ENG 4's set of essays and poems, they are not that difficult to understand. This would have been a great subject if not for it's 7 am setting, and God knows how much I hate waking up at 5.30 just to get ready for class.
Expected Grade is 1.75
2. HUM 2: Art in Society*
What? The main objective of this subject is for us to learn more about art, its elements, medium and the like. This is somewhat of a practical class, since it allows us first-hand how to create our own artworks.
When? 8.30 to 10 am, Wednesday and Fridays
My class professor knows the trade firsthand, so needless to say, she's good. Her style of teaching is also as good as her works, since I was able to comprehend what the hell is going on without even laying a finger on my readings. Yes, she's definitely a time saver.
Anyway, the subject itself is just as good, and I was awed that there were other great artists besides Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, the Egyptians, and the like. This is one of the subjects where I could sit back, worry about nothing, and just enjoy the show. The only problem I have is that this subject is a financial vampire. The payment for the field trips I could have spend in blogging, or much better yet, Coke Float.
Expected Grade is 1.50
3. SPAN I: Spanish Elective
What? This class reminds us that there are other Spanish words besides 'Si', 'mesa', and the famous 'adobong pansit sa binagoong'. The class tries to teach the students how to read and speak basic Spanish phrases and words.
When? 10 to 11.30 am, Wednesdays and Fridays
I suck at Spanish. The teacher is good, but I just don't have the mouth to perfectly say, 'Como esta?', 'Yo soy Kenneth, un estudyante gwapo' or even 'Dos mil otso'. In fact, I believe the only phrases I could utter correctly are the derelict 'Si', 'No', 'Que mal!', 'Hola!' and 'Mi gwapo, tu feo'. I couldn't really blame the professor- she manages the class well, and on top of that, she knows her Spanish as I know my cookies.
I'm trying my best, though. The bad thing is that the reading materials are also in Spanish, so I can't study them ahead of time. Hell, I can't even study them even after the discussion is over. I hate taking notes, I prefer to listen and understand, but for this subject- I have my paper and pen ready for the occasional scribble and doodles.
Expected Grade is 1.75
4. ENG 4: Masterpieces of World Literature
What? A reading class that deals primarily with the literature of first-world countries, ENG 4 tries to tackle how the best books in the Republic of Letters revolves around the three main concepts: love, war and conquest, as well as colonization.
When? 2.30 to 4 pm, Wednesdays and Fridays
This, probably, is the first ever subject that challenges to prove myself as a dedicated bookworm.
Although I like reading, this class is so damn difficult. I could read the essays and poems in two days, sure, but understanding them? I have no freaking idea. Add in the vast multitude of readings, 250 pages alone for the concept of love, and you get a subject that forces you to chip in at least an hour or two every night so you could [have a chance to] understand the discussions.
The teacher is cool, he even won a Palanca Award, but his voice could be compared to Jigglypuff. Not that I need his voice for a round-trip flight to Dreamland, since sleep forces are everywhere- I'm exhausted (mostly due to the consecutive classes I have in the morning), the room is humid, the discussion is boring, and the readings provide a nice pillow for my head. My eyes may be open, but my brain is already fluttering with the birds on the sky.
I know. I'm doomed.
Expected Grade is 2.25
Note: I decided to cut this post into halves, one for my Wednesday-Friday classes, and another one for the Tuesday-Thursday. I might post the other half later on, so please bear with me. Thankee.
*I forgot if it's Art in Society, or just Art. I'll check it out later on.